How to Grow My Daughter Hair Fast

 How to Grow My Daughter Hair Fast 

today I'm gonna go over how I have used rice water to grow my baby girl Selena's hair of course with the combination of authentic Jamaican black castor oil but how rice water has extremely helped Samantha's hair it is extremely effective definitely as always do your research on your own but yes this craze pretty much derived from Chinese and Japanese culture so if you do your research you'll be able to find out that information but stay tuned I'm gonna go over the benefits and show you pretty much what I do and how I make it so starting off you know I'm big on not breaking the bank and kind of showing you what you can do to achieve the same results as what I do for Savannah's hair.

How to Grow My Daughter Hair Fast

So a couple of household items so grab a bag of rice this is just traditional white rice that I had at home now when it comes to what kind of rice can you use you can use wild rice brown rice I would not use yellow rice though so yeah go ahead and pour about cups worth of the rice into a bowl that you have it doesn't matter the bowl go ahead pour that in and you're going to want to build this with some water the amount of water okay so go ahead grab a cup mug from out of your cabinet and you're going to fill that with water now some people get caught up on what kind of water distilled listen get the tap water fill it about half a cup full cup pour it in there just enough to be covering the rice see this amount is perfect because you're making this rice water for a child you do not need to add more water than what you see here if you're doing this for the purposes of an adult then yes you would add more water but you'll see what kind of container I'm filling as we get more. 

 How to Grow My Daughter Hair Fast 

so you're going to go ahead and drain this water out as you're cleansing this rice once you've completely drain this water out you're going to want to take the cleansed rice and you're going to begin the process of transferring the cleaned rice into a jar this is what brings me to my next affordable option many people talk about getting cringe are special jar you do not need to do that stay on a mom-friendly budget this is simply a Welch's jelly jar okay if you have an equivalent jar okay of some type of item in your refrigerator I literally took the jelly out transferred it into a little plastic container and I cleaned out the Welch's jar cleaned it good and I'm now transferring that rice into that so that saved me money time a trip of trying to track down.

How to Grow My Daughter Hair Fast

These so-called mason jars that a lot  of to say you need to go and purchase you do not do something affordable and quick like me transfer that rice into the jar like so and once you're done transferring the rice over into the jar about halfway you should be complete and you can really dispose of the extra rice unless you're going to use it I usually just toss mine now you're gonna go ahead and put some fresh tap water back into the jar and then you're going to add orange peels which is optional and you're adding that because this stuff is going to sit when you're done and it's going to cause it to smell because it's going to firm it it's going to go through a process called fermentation fermentation is what's going to cause the good stuff to get into the rice water now you can peel the orange and start to place the orange peels into the jar which is what you need to do but let me explain why you want your rice to be fermented you want your rice to sit for longer than 30 minutes 30 minutes is technically good enough but if you can even last for 24 hours and just place it in like a cabinet or a cool place not the fridge which is the cool place that would be good here's why you basically want.

 How to Grow My Daughter Hair Fast 

fermentation to happen because during fermentation a substance called petit reforms and Patera is the good stuff but Sara is it's rich in vitamins minerals amino acids and organic acids so you want that to form and the longer it ferments the more of the Patera will form during the process and the more it forms the more that's better for your hair also the test Patera promotes cell regeneration which then creates value so once you've allowed your rice water to either ferment for 30 minutes a couple of hours or even 24 hours you can go ahead and take it from out of where you've stored it on taking the cap off and you're going to want to take those orange peels out the whole purpose of the orange peels is to just basically like I said make it smell good because if you don't have it in the water is gonna smell funky Point Blank period, okay you could also add something like an essential oil to it but be careful with the oils if you're not somebody who really knows.

 what you're doing with oils again I'd be really careful with the amount of oils that you put in the rice water that's why I don't really mess around with the oils and I just do the orange peels and also because chances are you probably have oranges laying around the house versus essential oils so now I'm gonna go ahead and transfer my rice water out of the container I'm going to drain it nto a regular mug or cup I'm transferring it now and you see the amount that I get it's just enough again for the amount I'm going to pour into  spray bottle after I've transferred it you can tell like the color of it also takes one kind of like an orange II look and again that's because of the orange peels which is perfectly fine it smells really fresh and just smells like oranges which is perfect it does not smell sour or disgusting which it would have if I did not add the oranges to now I'm gonna transfer that rice water into this water bottle that I have and then from the water bottle into the smaller.

How to Grow My Daughter Hair Fast

spray bottle now the water bottle I had lying around the house most people do and I transferred it there that's the amount that I got and now the spout from the water bottle is just small enough and easier for me to transfer without spilling into the smaller spray bottle this spray bottle is literally the perfect size or spraying into my jar hair that's why I transfer it that way so now the best part I'm using the shea moisture argan oil shampoo you guys know that's my go-to for savanna I'm gonna shampoo her hair so I'm going to shampoo her hair nice and thoroughly this is how I do the process now I'll break it down to you like this for the rice water this is what I do I do it has a treatment for her. Now I do this treatment pretty much twice a month for Savannah at this point I do not do it excessively you want to be careful do your research understand.

 How to Grow My Daughter Hair Fast 

what kind of hair that your child has first before trying to add rice water to do their hair the reason I say this is because if your child's hair is not a fan of protein it will not respond very well. possibly to rice water okay depending on the porosity hair your child has whether it's low or high will depend on how your child's hair reacts to the rice water rinse so, for example, Savannah has high porosity hair which is the same kind of porosity hair that I have high porosity so my hair loves protein rice water is going to give you a lot of the rice water treatment if your child has low porosity hair you are probably going to want to heavily dilute your rice water rinse or rice water concoction that you make okay so I diluted my spray bottle as you can see I added half water to my mixture so you're probably gonna add even more water to yours so again test your child's here if you don't know how to do that you want to look into whether your child has lower high porosity hair family you would check if an adult has lower high porosity hair or your own hair anyway back.

first regular shampoo with the Shea Moisture shampoo and I rinsed it out and now I'm just going through with that spray bottle and I'm spraying the rinse water mix all throughout her hair as you can see here and I'm just going through the whole point of it is to get the mix all around her here as you can see her curls are popping her hair is shining I'm working the product throughout you want to also use your fingers and get it to the roots of the hair also because you want to stimulate the roots with the rinse and that's very important not just the ends also making sure it makes its way to the roots of your child's hair.

 Because it is a stimulator okay I'm just wiping her forehead and making sure to try to wipe her eyes too because I don't want anything to sting her eyes and this product is a very slippery and loose and if you've ever done a rinse with the rice water on your own hair you know how it can travel quickly to the eyes once I'm done I simply just rinse it out with some fresh water and she's done so this is her hair afterwards her hair is very super curly as you can see here she does have high porosity hair so it is quick to dry so we are complete now what I'm just gonna do is my regular process.

 How to Grow My Daughter Hair Fast 

after so I'm not blow-drying or anything like that it is going to air dry but I will go through now and add the authentic Jamaican black castor oil throughout her hair as I parted throughout but just showing you guys here's a throwback to when Savannah was eight months old and I would still do with the shea moisture shampoo through the process of combing through her hair and just washing it this was the mark when you could add the rice water rinse to her hair but as you can see her hair was still healthy and it was thriving with just the authentic Jamaican black castor oil as a hair growth stimulant and treatment and you guys know that's my go-to and it still is my go-to but what I've done now is incorporated.

 the rice water rinse and you can definitely tell the difference in terms of the elasticity that has been added and how her hair has continued to grow it's still healthy and the rice water has definitely helped with what it said it would in terms of how it helps the hair to stretch it has elongated the curl and you can definitely see her hair definitely grown definitely stretches and I do believe the research that they say with the rice water helping the hair to grow against manna does have high porosity hair so maybe that is why it reacts very well to the protein I encourage you guys to do your research as parents to see if it's something that you do want to try for your children's here Savannah is currently one in her hair is literally down her back and very healthy and responds to the messages that I get from people asking how can you help your child's here if they have split ends if your children suffered from here that your hair seems damaged I would still encourage you to use like you see me using here the roll-on that I offer brenda jamaican black castor oil the authentic kind i still pair that get the rice whispers are here after washing it and using the rice water rinse and i'll apply the roll on it then take

amaican black castor oil so i can also help with hair growth in her hair oh my girl savanah is or knocked out because the process is still long with when i'm caring for her hair so yes she falls asleep is so quick during it I don't blame her also too I feel like the authentic Jamaican black castor oil and specifically this rice water rinse is good for people whose kids may have experienced her loss or thinning for like the edges in the front or even the back area thinning or damaging or hair breaking off in that area it's really good for that and the rice water in general just has a whole bunch of benefits like it has a vitamin B see an e and it is one of the best things to help grow your hair by either using it as a rinse core or using it after you wash and shampoo your hair so why would you use it and again look this information up it helps to protect your hair from damage which is why I've added.

How to Grow My Daughter Hair Fast

 How to Grow My Daughter Hair Fast 

it to Savannah's hair routine it also helps to strengthen your hair at the root and it smooths out your hair also helps if your child has dandruff issues so again you want your child's hair to be silky and shiny if your child has issues with lice it's proven to help with lice if you want to use it as a hair condition you can do that too it's figuring out what works for your child and what will allow their hair to be stimulated so it can be healthy hair is the goal length not so much healthy hair will grow it will flourish it will be thicker you can stop damaged ends from breaking your child's hair off if you continue to do research and figure out what works for your child hair length is not necessarily the goal but what should be the goal is that it is healthy so as long.

 as it's healthy it'll continue to grow genetics does play a part of course but also having a healthy regimen and understanding how to care for your child's hair the best way possible and just taking the time and energy to do so is what is most important and I know every mom dad out there wants to be doing what they can for their child and that's what's most important and most importantly all hair is beautiful regardless if your child's hair is kinky curly straight course thin short long as long as it's healthy guys that is what is the most important and regardless of what the hair type is a common goal should be to have healthy hair for yours.

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